My husband and I find it is important to make time to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. My husband has epilepsy and I am blessed to be his caregiver. There are times we struggle and then there are times we find peace and joy when we enjoy the outdoors. Whether on our patio or miles from home, we enjoy the moments of escape and reminded of why we are together on this crazy journey of life. To all my fellow caregiving spouses out there, we understand the importance of enjoying a shared moment of peace and joy with our partner and taking a breath to inhale the sunshine and scenery on a beautiful day. My husband and I have traveled on the east coast from Bar Harbor Maine to Key West Florida and from San Diego to Arizona on the West coast.

Horseshoe Falls – Plymouth, CT
My husband and I found this treasure from a facebook group and enjoy visiting Horseshoe Falls on a wonderful warm summer day. Horseshoe Falls is in Terryville, CT next to the Ted Knight Memorial Bridge. If you aren’t looking for it you may drive right by it. There is a couple of parking spaces near the bridge and there is no hiking involved so it makes it easily accessible and convenient.

Lake Winfield – Terryville, CT
Lake Winfield is a wonderful lake with a walking path around the entire perimeter of the lake that is less than a mile in distance. This lake is home to geese, ducks and we have even seen an occasional heron and turtle. There is accessible parking to enjoy the view for a sunset or take a stroll around the perimeter. This recreation area also has a children’s playground and tennis courts close by. You can visit Plymouth Parks and Rec or directions and more information.

Plymouth Reservoir – Plymouth, CT
My husband and I have visited Plymouth reservoir each Autumn because the fall colors are just spectacular without any needed hiking or walking. The parking is easy and a few steps later you can be on the dock. This reservoir is wonderful for kayaking as well. A few visitors have seen beaver but we have yet to have a personal sighting.