The Other Side of Love – Come as you are.

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Do you feel loved? Think about this for a moment and the memory of a time you have felt loved. This memory may be when someone did something for you – love in action. How often have we heard actions speak louder than words? Well, now let’s talk about what I call the other side of love. The other side of love is an unconditional love that has no connection to works or actions. It is the love that communicates I love you for who you are not what you do. That’s it – no strings attached. This is the feeling of love from a person who lights up every time they simply see you. It’s the love you feel when you call a friend once a year and they eagerly answer and want to know everything that has happened since you last spoke. They take your call where ever they are and you can hear their smile – the smile you gave them simply because of who you are. So now let’s relate this to self love? What if we give our self this wonderful unconditional love that we appreciate so much. The good news is there is no cost. We don’t have any action items to complete to get there. Let’s start with unconditional self love right now, Today, meet yourself where you are in your journey. Close your eyes and give yourself the smile you love to receive from others. Forgive yourself and tell yourself it is ok for this moment, understanding that you are doing the best you can. Your past has brought you to where you are and made you who you are to move forward. Like it or not you are with yourself forever so give yourself that internal hug and be best friends because if anyone deserves to smile and light up with who you are it should be yourself – no waiting, no hesitating. It is important we take care of our needs in order to take care of those around us such as our spouse or children. Starting with self love allows you to give the unconditional love to others.

That’s my story – Ann Canfield

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